Matrix Reimprinting - clearing trauma and negative belief systems


What is Matrix Reimprinting?

Matrix Reimprinting is a healing modality that has been built upon the foundations of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) but takes it a step further by allowing individuals to form new positive memories and new empowering belief systems in the subconscious mind, rewriting the negative, more traumatic ones.

It connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs in a very safe way and effectively enables them to actively transform these memories into supportive memories for the rest of their lives.

Matrix Reimprinting is a very powerful, liberating and empowering process for any individual who has suffered from emotional trauma in their life. It is also very effective for any physical illness which has an emotional aspect at its root. 

The word ‘Matrix’, is in reference to the energy network all around us, which we are all connected to. It is based upon the principles of quantum physics which tell us that everything in this material world is interconnected on an energetic level. Everything is energy, including us!

The word ‘Reimprinting’ comes from the psychological term ‘imprinting’ which is when a child imprints a situation or learning into their memory which then goes on to create a belief. Most of our core beliefs are formed in the first six years of our life. But as we progress through life the negative experiences we go through often grow these already formed negative beliefs, allowing them to snowball and become bigger and more challenging negative beliefs.

Because of this, we hold a lot of negative energy around these core beliefs and find that we are always triggered due to these beliefs. As Anthony Robbins says, "Where the focus goes energy flows". This constant triggering and feeling of negative emotions deplete us energetically which then translates into physical health issues. 

Working on these core negative beliefs is key to seeing the world around us and our place in the world very differently from how we do right now. This can often be the most liberating and life-changing shift for many of our clients. 


What health areas does Matrix Reimprinting focus on?

Just like with EFT, Matrix Reimprinting can effectively be used as part of any healing journey, as all illnesses will have an emotional aspect to them. At Higher Healing, we use EFT and Matrix Reimprinting in conjunction with one another to help a client achieve the desired outcome. In fact, Matrix Reimprinting works well for any belief system that is holding you back in your life.
Matrix Reimprinting is particularly beneficial for:

Relationship Issues

If you are struggling with relationship issues there may be subconscious belief system(s) or energy patterns which are either blocking or drawing circumstances into your relationship. Transforming these energies helps to transform your relationships. 

Money Issues

We all have different views about money based on our culture, our upbringing and personal values. Understanding the energetic blocks that prevent you from accessing money, drawing money into your life or losing it too quickly can be transformational for your life.  

Pain Management

Pain often manifests in the body due to blocked energy systems creating a build up of pressure which translates into pain. Tuning into the energy of the pain allows us the identify the energetic cause and clear it from the body. Each part of the body is linked to different emotions and can help to decipher its emotional origin.

Anxiety / Depression

Both EFT and Matrix are very effective in helping to clear anxiety and depression. They help to raise your vibrational energy level and clear the triggers which would normally cause these emotional states to arise.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

It works with recent or very old memories that need clearing from your energetic system. There are times when you can’t access the memory but you know what you are feeling. In these instances there are techniques to help find these memories in order for them to be cleared. This is all done safely without re-living the memory or trauma.


Trauma can be big or small, or a drip drip situation over several years. Remember we don’t have to be in-person for this to work. This energy work can be at distance with amazing results, as you are tuning into your own energy body and clearing blockages. Suppression of these feelings old or new never serves us, they need to be released. 


Phobias are connected to unresolved significant events in our life that are stored in our subconscious mind. Clearing these results in the phobia disappearing. 

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Addictions are often coping mechanisms to help avoid emotional pain in the present moment. Often we are unaware of these triggers as they are held within our subconscious mind. 

Physical Illness

Physical illness is connected to unresolved emotions, stress and trauma held within our body. Once the energy is cleared the body is able to heal much faster. 

Life Purpose / Direction

Our purpose and direction in life are directly connected to the subconscious beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world around us. Change your beliefs and you can change your life. 

Grief and Loss

Matrix Reimprinting is very effective at dealing with grief and loss of a loved one. This includes pregnancy loss too. We work in a safe and controlled way to get you to a place of comfort, resolution and peace. 

At Higher Healing we use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) alongside Matrix Reimprinting as part of our Energy Psychology Package

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is great at working on the subconscious mind and removing trauma from the body. We combine this technique with Matrix Reimprinting (which is built on the foundations of EFT) to not only clear the trauma, but to also rewrite a new positive memory and a new belief system, which will serve you for life. This allows for a much more powerful and memorable experience and a deeper level of healing.

Choosing this approach allows you to not only harness all the benefits of EFT but also start to rewrite any negative subconscious belief systems which determine how we view ourselves and the world around us. 

Our Energy Psychology health route is focused on clearing negative emotions, and changing negative beliefs and thought systems which promote healing and help transform your life. 

Learn more about our Energy Psychology Health Route 

What are the benefits of Matrix Reimprinting?

Safe and Controlled Therapy

From a naturopathic perspective, there are no drugs or devices used in this therapy.

Clears Negative Beliefs

It allows you to create new positive and empowering beliefs which are re-imprinted into your subconscious mind.

Rapid Relief

The clearing of a traumatic memory can allow for a rapid, long lasting relief from symptoms. If not, there will be other traumatic memories which need to be cleared.

Clears Trauma

Once the energy behind the traumatic memory has been cleared, the trauma no longer feels traumatic. 

Work with memories old and new

It works with recent or old memories, even ones you feel you cannot access via the conscious mind.

Works effectively online

We don’t have to be in-person for this to work. This energy work can deliver amazing results from the comfort of your home.

Uncovers emotional root causes

It often works where nothing else seems to. This is because the issue is stemming from an emotional root and not a physical one.

Works on 'The Law of Attraction'

You create new empowering vibrations from within you which impact your world around you.

Matrix Reimprinting Testimonials

"When Indy first mentioned a new kind of treatment called EFT which focuses on specific memories I was intrigued by it. I was keen to start on the Matrix Reprinting as like Indy, I too, believe that true healing is by incorporating the physical, emotional and spiritual as one. Before the first session, Indy had said to focus on a particular troubling memory, I was able to recall a memory from childhood with my dad. I intuitively felt that my colitis originated from this early memory, by recalling with vivid detail and experiencing how I felt as a 5 yr old. Indy then asked me to become the third person where I was able to view myself as a child from an adult perspective. This proved interesting as I was to observe and reassure my child self and thus make amends with my dad. Throughout the session, Indy tapped on my meridian points while I repeated EFT statements said by him. After the Matrix Reprinting, I remember feeling a huge weight had been lifted. Indy stated for the reprinting to work I would need to reinforce it daily for the next 30 days. I followed the protocol diligently every morning for 30 days, noticing quite subtly how my relationship with my parents was improving. I found myself being honest around them and for the first time in a long whilst enjoying their company."

Manjit, Colitis

Understanding the Importance of our Belief Systems

Our beliefs are the invisible glasses we wear in front of our eyes, they determine our perception and how we look at the world around us. Our beliefs shape our thoughts, which in turn shape our emotional responses based on the situation in front of us. For example, if someone has the belief, ‘The world is a dangerous place’, they will seek to validate that belief by finding danger all around them, which keeps them in a stressed and anxious state.

What beliefs do you have about yourself and about your world? Do you believe you are good enough? Do you think you are lovable? Is the world a safe or dangerous place? Many of our beliefs will be positive, but we will also have formed negative/limiting beliefs based on traumatic events in our lives that now hold us back in life and cause problems for our health.

As all of our beliefs are stored in our subconscious mind they are difficult to change. Science now proves that our subconscious mind is running the show 95% of the time and is much more powerful than the conscious mind. This is why willpower, positive thinking and affirmations don’t always work.

Matrix Reimprinting is a bridge between the two minds and has helped thousands of people find the root causes of old patterns and beliefs by reimprinting events that are stored in their subconscious.

When it comes to our health if we can change our negative subconscious beliefs into positive ones, the way we look at the world changes and the way our body responds changes for the better too.

What's your Core Belief? Common Negative Belief Systems which hold us back

Although traumatic experiences can be very individual, the theme of the beliefs which are formed from these can be a result of a 'core belief' formed early on in life. Due to the nature of thought and perception, each person will have a very individual perspective on the way in which they make sense of the world. Here is a list of negative core beliefs which are commonly found in people suffering from some form of illness:

  • I am not good enough
  • I am not clever enough
  • I am worthless
  • I am useless
  • I must be perfect
  • People don’t respect me
  • I don’t understand
  • I am a disappointment
  • I can’t let things go
  • I am not in control
  • I can’t have what I want
  • I can’t accept things
  • The world is a dangerous place
  • I must sense danger
  • Bad things happen to me
  • It’s bad to say ‘no’ to people
  • People take advantage of me
  • I will always get hurt
  • I am not lovable

If you resonated with any of these beliefs, there will be a memory/memories in the past where you likely made this belief or decision because of an unpleasant experience. That memory is in fact a younger version of you who is still reliving that event at that moment in time as if it were real. 

If you are currently on a healing journey and have struggled to make a breakthrough with your health. Consider a realm outside of just the physical, consider exploring what your negative belief systems may be. This is where Matrix Reimprinting can change your life. 

Working with Traumatic Memories: How does Matrix Reimprinting work?

When we have a traumatic memory, that younger version of ourselves is locked in that moment in time in our subconscious mind. They are re-living that event as if it is still happening, along with the beliefs system that were formed because of that event. Therefore, in order to use Matrix Reimprinting we need to have a memory to work with.

Sometimes clients are unable to access their memories because over the years they have learnt to lock them away. With Matrix Reimprinting, we have techniques to help an individual tune in to their emotions and trace it back to a memory earlier on in life when they felt that way.

In a safe and controlled way (with the support of a trained practitioner), the client then goes into the memory to have a conversation with the younger version of themselves and helps them clear the emotional trauma. Once this is achieved, we then look to see, what needs to be done to the memory to make it a more positive event for the younger self. Throughout this process the practitioner is using specific EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping points to help support the client.

Once the trauma energy has been cleared and the memory has been changed to a positive and empowering experience, this is then re-imprinted alongside a new positive belief system into the subconscious mind of the client where it will have a permanent and beneficial effect. Throughout the whole process, this experience is managed by the practitioner, so the individual does not re-experience previous trauma.

To the surprise of many clients, there are often quick and positive changes that occur in regard to their life and with their health. The reason for this is at a quantum level our cells are simply energy – waves of information – which create our own unique energy field. This can be a vibration of joy, love, peace, contentedness or perhaps a vibration of fear, powerlessness or even boredom. When we change our beliefs we change the vibration and the energy which our cells receive and hence the energies we send out into the world.

What does Matrix Reimprinting work well alongside?

At Higher Healing, we believe in order to truly heal the body, adopting a holistic approach (mind, body and soul) is key. Matrix Reimprinting is effective at working on the subconscious mind and removing limiting beliefs. This allows Nutrition and lifestyle changes like meditation to work more effectively on the body and mind respectively. 
While you can explore Matrix Reimprinting as a therapy on its own, it’s recommended to adopt a holistic approach to health alongside: